In previous tutorials we have been using the bitmap format for terrain height maps.
Although this format is easy to use it is incredibly limiting in terms of the amount of terrain detail that you can render.
From the height perspective you are limited to 256 discrete height steps which makes it impossible to have things like smooth rolling hills and steep jagged mountains represented in the same height map.
To achieve that kind of detail we need to look at using a 16 bit format, and in this tutorial I will cover using the most straight forward one which is RAW.
Using a 16 bit RAW format we can now have 65536 discreet height steps.
This provides us with the detail we are looking for to represent almost any terrain type.
And secondly the RAW format is extremely easy to read in since it just stores only the height values in a linear fashion.
There is not header or any other type of metadata in the RAW file format.
So you just open the file and read it straight into your array and it is ready for use.
Note there are different formats within the RAW format, but we will just cover the default unsigned short 16 bit RAW version.
To create RAW files you generally need terrain building programs like World Machine to build them for you since you can't paint 16 bit RAW files manually.
And likewise to view them you need to use another program or something you have written yourself that is 16 bit RAW file aware.
For this tutorial I used World Machine to create a one kilometer by one kilometer terrain.
The file extension used is .r16.
The color map is still a bitmap file but is sized 1025 by 1025 just like the RAW height map for one to one mapping.
As you can see our terrain has far more detail now:
The setup.txt file has been updated with the new RAW terrain file, the new color map, and the new dimensions and scaling value.
Terrain Filename: ../Engine/data/heightmap.r16
Terrain Height: 1025
Terrain Width: 1025
Terrain Scaling: 300.0
Color Map Filename: ../Engine/data/colormap.bmp
The TerrainClass header has been updated to include a new private function for loading in RAW height maps.
This new function will be used instead of the previous bitmap height map reader.
// Filename: terrainclass.h
#include <d3d11.h>
#include <directxmath.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace DirectX;
using namespace std;
// Class name: TerrainClass
class TerrainClass
struct VertexType
XMFLOAT3 position;
XMFLOAT2 texture;
XMFLOAT3 normal;
XMFLOAT3 tangent;
XMFLOAT3 binormal;
XMFLOAT3 color;
struct HeightMapType
float x, y, z;
float nx, ny, nz;
float r, g, b;
struct ModelType
float x, y, z;
float tu, tv;
float nx, ny, nz;
float tx, ty, tz;
float bx, by, bz;
float r, g, b;
struct VectorType
float x, y, z;
struct TempVertexType
float x, y, z;
float tu, tv;
float nx, ny, nz;
TerrainClass(const TerrainClass&);
bool Initialize(ID3D11Device*, char*);
void Shutdown();
bool Render(ID3D11DeviceContext*);
int GetIndexCount();
bool LoadSetupFile(char*);
bool LoadBitmapHeightMap();
bool LoadRawHeightMap();
void ShutdownHeightMap();
void SetTerrainCoordinates();
bool CalculateNormals();
bool LoadColorMap();
bool BuildTerrainModel();
void ShutdownTerrainModel();
void CalculateTerrainVectors();
void CalculateTangentBinormal(TempVertexType, TempVertexType, TempVertexType, VectorType&, VectorType&);
bool InitializeBuffers(ID3D11Device*);
void ShutdownBuffers();
void RenderBuffers(ID3D11DeviceContext*);
ID3D11Buffer *m_vertexBuffer, *m_indexBuffer;
int m_vertexCount, m_indexCount;
int m_terrainHeight, m_terrainWidth;
float m_heightScale;
char *m_terrainFilename, *m_colorMapFilename;
HeightMapType* m_heightMap;
ModelType* m_terrainModel;
// Filename: terrainclass.cpp
#include "terrainclass.h"
m_vertexBuffer = 0;
m_indexBuffer = 0;
m_terrainFilename = 0;
m_colorMapFilename = 0;
m_heightMap = 0;
m_terrainModel = 0;
TerrainClass::TerrainClass(const TerrainClass& other)
bool TerrainClass::Initialize(ID3D11Device* device, char* setupFilename)
bool result;
// Get the terrain filename, dimensions, and so forth from the setup file.
result = LoadSetupFile(setupFilename);
return false;
We now call the new LoadRawHeightMap function to load in RAW height maps.
The previous LoadBitmapHeightMap is no longer utilized.
// Initialize the terrain height map with the data from the raw file.
result = LoadRawHeightMap();
return false;
// Setup the X and Z coordinates for the height map as well as scale the terrain height by the height scale value.
// Calculate the normals for the terrain data.
result = CalculateNormals();
return false;
// Load in the color map for the terrain.
result = LoadColorMap();
return false;
// Now build the 3D model of the terrain.
result = BuildTerrainModel();
return false;
// We can now release the height map since it is no longer needed in memory once the 3D terrain model has been built.
// Calculate the tangent and binormal for the terrain model.
// Load the rendering buffers with the terrain data.
result = InitializeBuffers(device);
return false;
// Release the terrain model now that the rendering buffers have been loaded.
return true;
void TerrainClass::Shutdown()
// Release the rendering buffers.
// Release the terrain model.
// Release the height map.
bool TerrainClass::Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext)
// Put the vertex and index buffers on the graphics pipeline to prepare them for drawing.
return true;
int TerrainClass::GetIndexCount()
return m_indexCount;
bool TerrainClass::LoadSetupFile(char* filename)
int stringLength;
ifstream fin;
char input;
// Initialize the strings that will hold the terrain file name and the color map file name.
stringLength = 256;
m_terrainFilename = new char[stringLength];
return false;
m_colorMapFilename = new char[stringLength];
return false;
// Open the setup file. If it could not open the file then exit.;
return false;
// Read up to the terrain file name.
while(input != ':')
// Read in the terrain file name.
fin >> m_terrainFilename;
// Read up to the value of terrain height.
while(input != ':')
// Read in the terrain height.
fin >> m_terrainHeight;
// Read up to the value of terrain width.
while (input != ':')
// Read in the terrain width.
fin >> m_terrainWidth;
// Read up to the value of terrain height scaling.
while (input != ':')
// Read in the terrain height scaling.
fin >> m_heightScale;
// Read up to the color map file name.
while(input != ':')
// Read in the color map file name.
fin >> m_colorMapFilename;
// Close the setup file.
return true;
bool TerrainClass::LoadBitmapHeightMap()
int error, imageSize, i, j, k, index;
FILE* filePtr;
unsigned long long count;
unsigned char* bitmapImage;
unsigned char height;
// Start by creating the array structure to hold the height map data.
m_heightMap = new HeightMapType[m_terrainWidth * m_terrainHeight];
return false;
// Open the bitmap map file in binary.
error = fopen_s(&filePtr, m_terrainFilename, "rb");
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Read in the bitmap file header.
count = fread(&bitmapFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, filePtr);
if(count != 1)
return false;
// Read in the bitmap info header.
count = fread(&bitmapInfoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, filePtr);
if(count != 1)
return false;
// Make sure the height map dimensions are the same as the terrain dimensions for easy 1 to 1 mapping.
if((bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight != m_terrainHeight) || (bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth != m_terrainWidth))
return false;
// Calculate the size of the bitmap image data.
// Since we use non-divide by 2 dimensions (eg. 513x513) we need to add an extra byte to each line.
imageSize = m_terrainHeight * ((m_terrainWidth * 3) + 1);
// Allocate memory for the bitmap image data.
bitmapImage = new unsigned char[imageSize];
return false;
// Move to the beginning of the bitmap data.
fseek(filePtr, bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
// Read in the bitmap image data.
count = fread(bitmapImage, 1, imageSize, filePtr);
if(count != imageSize)
return false;
// Close the file.
error = fclose(filePtr);
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Initialize the position in the image data buffer.
// Read the image data into the height map array.
for(j=0; j<m_terrainHeight; j++)
for(i=0; i<m_terrainWidth; i++)
// Bitmaps are upside down so load bottom to top into the height map array.
index = (m_terrainWidth * (m_terrainHeight - 1 - j)) + i;
// Get the grey scale pixel value from the bitmap image data at this location.
height = bitmapImage[k];
// Store the pixel value as the height at this point in the height map array.
m_heightMap[index].y = (float)height;
// Increment the bitmap image data index.
// Compensate for the extra byte at end of each line in non-divide by 2 bitmaps (eg. 513x513).
// Release the bitmap image data now that the height map array has been loaded.
delete [] bitmapImage;
bitmapImage = 0;
// Release the terrain filename now that it has been read in.
delete [] m_terrainFilename;
m_terrainFilename = 0;
return true;
The LoadRawHeightMap function loads 16 bit RAW height map files.
It works in the exact same fashion as LoadBitmapHeightMap but handles the RAW format instead.
Since this is a 16 bit format we use unsigned short instead of unsigned char to create the array that the data will be read into.
Also when we parse through the array to copy the data into the height map structure we don't have to traverse it backwards because the RAW format is not stored upside down like bitmaps.
bool TerrainClass::LoadRawHeightMap()
int error, i, j, index;
FILE* filePtr;
unsigned long long imageSize, count;
unsigned short* rawImage;
// Create the float array to hold the height map data.
m_heightMap = new HeightMapType[m_terrainWidth * m_terrainHeight];
if (!m_heightMap)
return false;
// Open the 16 bit raw height map file for reading in binary.
error = fopen_s(&filePtr, m_terrainFilename, "rb");
if (error != 0)
return false;
// Calculate the size of the raw image data.
imageSize = m_terrainHeight * m_terrainWidth;
// Allocate memory for the raw image data.
rawImage = new unsigned short[imageSize];
return false;
// Read in the raw image data.
count = fread(rawImage, sizeof(unsigned short), imageSize, filePtr);
if(count != imageSize)
return false;
// Close the file.
error = fclose(filePtr);
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Copy the image data into the height map array.
for(j=0; j<m_terrainHeight; j++)
for(i=0; i<m_terrainWidth; i++)
index = (m_terrainWidth * j) + i;
// Store the height at this point in the height map array.
m_heightMap[index].y = (float)rawImage[index];
// Release the bitmap image data.
delete [] rawImage;
rawImage = 0;
// Release the terrain filename now that it has been read in.
delete [] m_terrainFilename;
m_terrainFilename = 0;
return true;
void TerrainClass::ShutdownHeightMap()
// Release the height map array.
delete [] m_heightMap;
m_heightMap = 0;
void TerrainClass::SetTerrainCoordinates()
int i, j, index;
// Loop through all the elements in the height map array and adjust their coordinates correctly.
for(j=0; j<m_terrainHeight; j++)
for(i=0; i<m_terrainWidth; i++)
index = (m_terrainWidth * j) + i;
// Set the X and Z coordinates.
m_heightMap[index].x = (float)i;
m_heightMap[index].z = -(float)j;
// Move the terrain depth into the positive range. For example from (0, -256) to (256, 0).
m_heightMap[index].z += (float)(m_terrainHeight - 1);
// Scale the height.
m_heightMap[index].y /= m_heightScale;
bool TerrainClass::CalculateNormals()
int i, j, index1, index2, index3, index;
float vertex1[3], vertex2[3], vertex3[3], vector1[3], vector2[3], sum[3], length;
VectorType* normals;
// Create a temporary array to hold the face normal vectors.
normals = new VectorType[(m_terrainHeight-1) * (m_terrainWidth-1)];
return false;
// Go through all the faces in the mesh and calculate their normals.
for(j=0; j<(m_terrainHeight-1); j++)
for(i=0; i<(m_terrainWidth-1); i++)
index1 = ((j+1) * m_terrainWidth) + i; // Bottom left vertex.
index2 = ((j+1) * m_terrainWidth) + (i+1); // Bottom right vertex.
index3 = (j * m_terrainWidth) + i; // Upper left vertex.
// Get three vertices from the face.
vertex1[0] = m_heightMap[index1].x;
vertex1[1] = m_heightMap[index1].y;
vertex1[2] = m_heightMap[index1].z;
vertex2[0] = m_heightMap[index2].x;
vertex2[1] = m_heightMap[index2].y;
vertex2[2] = m_heightMap[index2].z;
vertex3[0] = m_heightMap[index3].x;
vertex3[1] = m_heightMap[index3].y;
vertex3[2] = m_heightMap[index3].z;
// Calculate the two vectors for this face.
vector1[0] = vertex1[0] - vertex3[0];
vector1[1] = vertex1[1] - vertex3[1];
vector1[2] = vertex1[2] - vertex3[2];
vector2[0] = vertex3[0] - vertex2[0];
vector2[1] = vertex3[1] - vertex2[1];
vector2[2] = vertex3[2] - vertex2[2];
index = (j * (m_terrainWidth - 1)) + i;
// Calculate the cross product of those two vectors to get the un-normalized value for this face normal.
normals[index].x = (vector1[1] * vector2[2]) - (vector1[2] * vector2[1]);
normals[index].y = (vector1[2] * vector2[0]) - (vector1[0] * vector2[2]);
normals[index].z = (vector1[0] * vector2[1]) - (vector1[1] * vector2[0]);
// Calculate the length.
length = (float)sqrt((normals[index].x * normals[index].x) + (normals[index].y * normals[index].y) +
(normals[index].z * normals[index].z));
// Normalize the final value for this face using the length.
normals[index].x = (normals[index].x / length);
normals[index].y = (normals[index].y / length);
normals[index].z = (normals[index].z / length);
// Now go through all the vertices and take a sum of the face normals that touch this vertex.
for(j=0; j<m_terrainHeight; j++)
for(i=0; i<m_terrainWidth; i++)
// Initialize the sum.
sum[0] = 0.0f;
sum[1] = 0.0f;
sum[2] = 0.0f;
// Bottom left face.
if(((i-1) >= 0) && ((j-1) >= 0))
index = ((j-1) * (m_terrainWidth-1)) + (i-1);
sum[0] += normals[index].x;
sum[1] += normals[index].y;
sum[2] += normals[index].z;
// Bottom right face.
if((i<(m_terrainWidth-1)) && ((j-1) >= 0))
index = ((j - 1) * (m_terrainWidth - 1)) + i;
sum[0] += normals[index].x;
sum[1] += normals[index].y;
sum[2] += normals[index].z;
// Upper left face.
if(((i-1) >= 0) && (j<(m_terrainHeight-1)))
index = (j * (m_terrainWidth-1)) + (i-1);
sum[0] += normals[index].x;
sum[1] += normals[index].y;
sum[2] += normals[index].z;
// Upper right face.
if((i < (m_terrainWidth-1)) && (j < (m_terrainHeight-1)))
index = (j * (m_terrainWidth-1)) + i;
sum[0] += normals[index].x;
sum[1] += normals[index].y;
sum[2] += normals[index].z;
// Calculate the length of this normal.
length = (float)sqrt((sum[0] * sum[0]) + (sum[1] * sum[1]) + (sum[2] * sum[2]));
// Get an index to the vertex location in the height map array.
index = (j * m_terrainWidth) + i;
// Normalize the final shared normal for this vertex and store it in the height map array.
m_heightMap[index].nx = (sum[0] / length);
m_heightMap[index].ny = (sum[1] / length);
m_heightMap[index].nz = (sum[2] / length);
// Release the temporary normals.
delete [] normals;
normals = 0;
return true;
bool TerrainClass::LoadColorMap()
int error, imageSize, i, j, k, index;
FILE* filePtr;
unsigned long long count;
unsigned char* bitmapImage;
// Open the color map file in binary.
error = fopen_s(&filePtr, m_colorMapFilename, "rb");
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Read in the file header.
count = fread(&bitmapFileHeader, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, filePtr);
if(count != 1)
return false;
// Read in the bitmap info header.
count = fread(&bitmapInfoHeader, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, filePtr);
if(count != 1)
return false;
// Make sure the color map dimensions are the same as the terrain dimensions for easy 1 to 1 mapping.
if((bitmapInfoHeader.biWidth != m_terrainWidth) || (bitmapInfoHeader.biHeight != m_terrainHeight))
return false;
// Calculate the size of the bitmap image data.
// Since this is non-divide by 2 dimensions (eg. 257x257) need to add extra byte to each line.
imageSize = m_terrainHeight * ((m_terrainWidth * 3) + 1);
// Allocate memory for the bitmap image data.
bitmapImage = new unsigned char[imageSize];
return false;
// Move to the beginning of the bitmap data.
fseek(filePtr, bitmapFileHeader.bfOffBits, SEEK_SET);
// Read in the bitmap image data.
count = fread(bitmapImage, 1, imageSize, filePtr);
if(count != imageSize)
return false;
// Close the file.
error = fclose(filePtr);
if(error != 0)
return false;
// Initialize the position in the image data buffer.
// Read the image data into the color map portion of the height map structure.
for(j=0; j<m_terrainHeight; j++)
for(i=0; i<m_terrainWidth; i++)
// Bitmaps are upside down so load bottom to top into the array.
index = (m_terrainWidth * (m_terrainHeight - 1 - j)) + i;
m_heightMap[index].b = (float)bitmapImage[k] / 255.0f;
m_heightMap[index].g = (float)bitmapImage[k + 1] / 255.0f;
m_heightMap[index].r = (float)bitmapImage[k + 2] / 255.0f;
k += 3;
// Compensate for extra byte at end of each line in non-divide by 2 bitmaps (eg. 257x257).
// Release the bitmap image data.
delete [] bitmapImage;
bitmapImage = 0;
// Release the color map filename now that is has been read in.
delete [] m_colorMapFilename;
m_colorMapFilename = 0;
return true;
bool TerrainClass::BuildTerrainModel()
int i, j, index, index1, index2, index3, index4;
// Calculate the number of vertices in the 3D terrain model.
m_vertexCount = (m_terrainHeight - 1) * (m_terrainWidth - 1) * 6;
// Create the 3D terrain model array.
m_terrainModel = new ModelType[m_vertexCount];
return false;
// Initialize the index into the height map array.
index = 0;
// Load the 3D terrain model with the height map terrain data.
// We will be creating 2 triangles for each of the four points in a quad.
for(j=0; j<(m_terrainHeight-1); j++)
for(i=0; i<(m_terrainWidth-1); i++)
// Get the indexes to the four points of the quad.
index1 = (m_terrainWidth * j) + i; // Upper left.
index2 = (m_terrainWidth * j) + (i+1); // Upper right.
index3 = (m_terrainWidth * (j+1)) + i; // Bottom left.
index4 = (m_terrainWidth * (j+1)) + (i+1); // Bottom right.
// Now create two triangles for that quad.
// Triangle 1 - Upper left.
m_terrainModel[index].x = m_heightMap[index1].x;
m_terrainModel[index].y = m_heightMap[index1].y;
m_terrainModel[index].z = m_heightMap[index1].z;
m_terrainModel[index].tu = 0.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].tv = 0.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].nx = m_heightMap[index1].nx;
m_terrainModel[index].ny = m_heightMap[index1].ny;
m_terrainModel[index].nz = m_heightMap[index1].nz;
m_terrainModel[index].r = m_heightMap[index1].r;
m_terrainModel[index].g = m_heightMap[index1].g;
m_terrainModel[index].b = m_heightMap[index1].b;
// Triangle 1 - Upper right.
m_terrainModel[index].x = m_heightMap[index2].x;
m_terrainModel[index].y = m_heightMap[index2].y;
m_terrainModel[index].z = m_heightMap[index2].z;
m_terrainModel[index].tu = 1.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].tv = 0.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].nx = m_heightMap[index2].nx;
m_terrainModel[index].ny = m_heightMap[index2].ny;
m_terrainModel[index].nz = m_heightMap[index2].nz;
m_terrainModel[index].r = m_heightMap[index2].r;
m_terrainModel[index].g = m_heightMap[index2].g;
m_terrainModel[index].b = m_heightMap[index2].b;
// Triangle 1 - Bottom left.
m_terrainModel[index].x = m_heightMap[index3].x;
m_terrainModel[index].y = m_heightMap[index3].y;
m_terrainModel[index].z = m_heightMap[index3].z;
m_terrainModel[index].tu = 0.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].tv = 1.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].nx = m_heightMap[index3].nx;
m_terrainModel[index].ny = m_heightMap[index3].ny;
m_terrainModel[index].nz = m_heightMap[index3].nz;
m_terrainModel[index].r = m_heightMap[index3].r;
m_terrainModel[index].g = m_heightMap[index3].g;
m_terrainModel[index].b = m_heightMap[index3].b;
// Triangle 2 - Bottom left.
m_terrainModel[index].x = m_heightMap[index3].x;
m_terrainModel[index].y = m_heightMap[index3].y;
m_terrainModel[index].z = m_heightMap[index3].z;
m_terrainModel[index].tu = 0.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].tv = 1.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].nx = m_heightMap[index3].nx;
m_terrainModel[index].ny = m_heightMap[index3].ny;
m_terrainModel[index].nz = m_heightMap[index3].nz;
m_terrainModel[index].r = m_heightMap[index3].r;
m_terrainModel[index].g = m_heightMap[index3].g;
m_terrainModel[index].b = m_heightMap[index3].b;
// Triangle 2 - Upper right.
m_terrainModel[index].x = m_heightMap[index2].x;
m_terrainModel[index].y = m_heightMap[index2].y;
m_terrainModel[index].z = m_heightMap[index2].z;
m_terrainModel[index].tu = 1.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].tv = 0.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].nx = m_heightMap[index2].nx;
m_terrainModel[index].ny = m_heightMap[index2].ny;
m_terrainModel[index].nz = m_heightMap[index2].nz;
m_terrainModel[index].r = m_heightMap[index2].r;
m_terrainModel[index].g = m_heightMap[index2].g;
m_terrainModel[index].b = m_heightMap[index2].b;
// Triangle 2 - Bottom right.
m_terrainModel[index].x = m_heightMap[index4].x;
m_terrainModel[index].y = m_heightMap[index4].y;
m_terrainModel[index].z = m_heightMap[index4].z;
m_terrainModel[index].tu = 1.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].tv = 1.0f;
m_terrainModel[index].nx = m_heightMap[index4].nx;
m_terrainModel[index].ny = m_heightMap[index4].ny;
m_terrainModel[index].nz = m_heightMap[index4].nz;
m_terrainModel[index].r = m_heightMap[index4].r;
m_terrainModel[index].g = m_heightMap[index4].g;
m_terrainModel[index].b = m_heightMap[index4].b;
return true;
void TerrainClass::ShutdownTerrainModel()
// Release the terrain model data.
delete [] m_terrainModel;
m_terrainModel = 0;
void TerrainClass::CalculateTerrainVectors()
int faceCount, i, index;
TempVertexType vertex1, vertex2, vertex3;
VectorType tangent, binormal;
// Calculate the number of faces in the terrain model.
faceCount = m_vertexCount / 3;
// Initialize the index to the model data.
// Go through all the faces and calculate the the tangent, binormal, and normal vectors.
for(i=0; i<faceCount; i++)
// Get the three vertices for this face from the terrain model.
vertex1.x = m_terrainModel[index].x;
vertex1.y = m_terrainModel[index].y;
vertex1.z = m_terrainModel[index].z;
vertex1.tu = m_terrainModel[index].tu; = m_terrainModel[index].tv;
vertex1.nx = m_terrainModel[index].nx;
vertex1.ny = m_terrainModel[index].ny; = m_terrainModel[index].nz;
vertex2.x = m_terrainModel[index].x;
vertex2.y = m_terrainModel[index].y;
vertex2.z = m_terrainModel[index].z;
vertex2.tu = m_terrainModel[index].tu; = m_terrainModel[index].tv;
vertex2.nx = m_terrainModel[index].nx;
vertex2.ny = m_terrainModel[index].ny; = m_terrainModel[index].nz;
vertex3.x = m_terrainModel[index].x;
vertex3.y = m_terrainModel[index].y;
vertex3.z = m_terrainModel[index].z;
vertex3.tu = m_terrainModel[index].tu; = m_terrainModel[index].tv;
vertex3.nx = m_terrainModel[index].nx;
vertex3.ny = m_terrainModel[index].ny; = m_terrainModel[index].nz;
// Calculate the tangent and binormal of that face.
CalculateTangentBinormal(vertex1, vertex2, vertex3, tangent, binormal);
// Store the tangent and binormal for this face back in the model structure.
m_terrainModel[index-1].tx = tangent.x;
m_terrainModel[index-1].ty = tangent.y;
m_terrainModel[index-1].tz = tangent.z;
m_terrainModel[index-1].bx = binormal.x;
m_terrainModel[index-1].by = binormal.y;
m_terrainModel[index-1].bz = binormal.z;
m_terrainModel[index-2].tx = tangent.x;
m_terrainModel[index-2].ty = tangent.y;
m_terrainModel[index-2].tz = tangent.z;
m_terrainModel[index-2].bx = binormal.x;
m_terrainModel[index-2].by = binormal.y;
m_terrainModel[index-2].bz = binormal.z;
m_terrainModel[index-3].tx = tangent.x;
m_terrainModel[index-3].ty = tangent.y;
m_terrainModel[index-3].tz = tangent.z;
m_terrainModel[index-3].bx = binormal.x;
m_terrainModel[index-3].by = binormal.y;
m_terrainModel[index-3].bz = binormal.z;
void TerrainClass::CalculateTangentBinormal(TempVertexType vertex1, TempVertexType vertex2, TempVertexType vertex3, VectorType& tangent, VectorType& binormal)
float vector1[3], vector2[3];
float tuVector[2], tvVector[2];
float den;
float length;
// Calculate the two vectors for this face.
vector1[0] = vertex2.x - vertex1.x;
vector1[1] = vertex2.y - vertex1.y;
vector1[2] = vertex2.z - vertex1.z;
vector2[0] = vertex3.x - vertex1.x;
vector2[1] = vertex3.y - vertex1.y;
vector2[2] = vertex3.z - vertex1.z;
// Calculate the tu and tv texture space vectors.
tuVector[0] = vertex2.tu - vertex1.tu;
tvVector[0] = -;
tuVector[1] = vertex3.tu - vertex1.tu;
tvVector[1] = -;
// Calculate the denominator of the tangent/binormal equation.
den = 1.0f / (tuVector[0] * tvVector[1] - tuVector[1] * tvVector[0]);
// Calculate the cross products and multiply by the coefficient to get the tangent and binormal.
tangent.x = (tvVector[1] * vector1[0] - tvVector[0] * vector2[0]) * den;
tangent.y = (tvVector[1] * vector1[1] - tvVector[0] * vector2[1]) * den;
tangent.z = (tvVector[1] * vector1[2] - tvVector[0] * vector2[2]) * den;
binormal.x = (tuVector[0] * vector2[0] - tuVector[1] * vector1[0]) * den;
binormal.y = (tuVector[0] * vector2[1] - tuVector[1] * vector1[1]) * den;
binormal.z = (tuVector[0] * vector2[2] - tuVector[1] * vector1[2]) * den;
// Calculate the length of the tangent.
length = (float)sqrt((tangent.x * tangent.x) + (tangent.y * tangent.y) + (tangent.z * tangent.z));
// Normalize the tangent and then store it.
tangent.x = tangent.x / length;
tangent.y = tangent.y / length;
tangent.z = tangent.z / length;
// Calculate the length of the binormal.
length = (float)sqrt((binormal.x * binormal.x) + (binormal.y * binormal.y) + (binormal.z * binormal.z));
// Normalize the binormal and then store it.
binormal.x = binormal.x / length;
binormal.y = binormal.y / length;
binormal.z = binormal.z / length;
bool TerrainClass::InitializeBuffers(ID3D11Device* device)
VertexType* vertices;
unsigned long* indices;
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC vertexBufferDesc, indexBufferDesc;
D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA vertexData, indexData;
HRESULT result;
int i;
// Calculate the number of vertices in the terrain.
m_vertexCount = (m_terrainWidth - 1) * (m_terrainHeight - 1) * 6;
// Set the index count to the same as the vertex count.
m_indexCount = m_vertexCount;
// Create the vertex array.
vertices = new VertexType[m_vertexCount];
return false;
// Create the index array.
indices = new unsigned long[m_indexCount];
return false;
// Load the vertex array and index array with 3D terrain model data.
for(i=0; i<m_vertexCount; i++)
vertices[i].position = XMFLOAT3(m_terrainModel[i].x, m_terrainModel[i].y, m_terrainModel[i].z);
vertices[i].texture = XMFLOAT2(m_terrainModel[i].tu, m_terrainModel[i].tv);
vertices[i].normal = XMFLOAT3(m_terrainModel[i].nx, m_terrainModel[i].ny, m_terrainModel[i].nz);
vertices[i].tangent = XMFLOAT3(m_terrainModel[i].tx, m_terrainModel[i].ty, m_terrainModel[i].tz);
vertices[i].binormal = XMFLOAT3(m_terrainModel[i].bx, m_terrainModel[i].by, m_terrainModel[i].bz);
vertices[i].color = XMFLOAT3(m_terrainModel[i].r, m_terrainModel[i].g, m_terrainModel[i].b);
indices[i] = i;
// Set up the description of the static vertex buffer.
vertexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
vertexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(VertexType) * m_vertexCount;
vertexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
vertexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
vertexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
vertexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;
// Give the subresource structure a pointer to the vertex data.
vertexData.pSysMem = vertices;
vertexData.SysMemPitch = 0;
vertexData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;
// Now create the vertex buffer.
result = device->CreateBuffer(&vertexBufferDesc, &vertexData, &m_vertexBuffer);
return false;
// Set up the description of the static index buffer.
indexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
indexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(unsigned long) * m_indexCount;
indexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
indexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
indexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
indexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;
// Give the subresource structure a pointer to the index data.
indexData.pSysMem = indices;
indexData.SysMemPitch = 0;
indexData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;
// Create the index buffer.
result = device->CreateBuffer(&indexBufferDesc, &indexData, &m_indexBuffer);
return false;
// Release the arrays now that the buffers have been created and loaded.
delete [] vertices;
vertices = 0;
delete [] indices;
indices = 0;
return true;
void TerrainClass::ShutdownBuffers()
// Release the index buffer.
m_indexBuffer = 0;
// Release the vertex buffer.
m_vertexBuffer = 0;
void TerrainClass::RenderBuffers(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext)
unsigned int stride;
unsigned int offset;
// Set vertex buffer stride and offset.
stride = sizeof(VertexType);
offset = 0;
// Set the vertex buffer to active in the input assembler so it can be rendered.
deviceContext->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &m_vertexBuffer, &stride, &offset);
// Set the index buffer to active in the input assembler so it can be rendered.
deviceContext->IASetIndexBuffer(m_indexBuffer, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0);
// Set the type of primitive that should be rendered from this vertex buffer, in this case triangles.
We now have the ability to render highly detailed terrain using the 16 bit RAW format for height maps.
To Do Exercises
1. Recompile the code in 64 bit mode and run the program. You should now see a far more detailed terrain.
2. Press F2 to toggle the wire frame on. This will show the increase in detail and smooth transition between height points.
3. Create your own 16 bit RAW height map using any of the free terrain generation programs that support that format.
Source Code
Source Code and Data Files: